Thursday, December 24, 2009

Thoughts from Pastor Lenny...that Spoke to me...Wanted to Share...Enjoy!

"Did you hear the news? I can't believe it! Have you heard what they are saying?" Whether it is a political scandal, an amazing athlete's hidden life being exposed, a new strain of flu virus or even an important discovery that will change the future radically, there will always be those who are ready to listen and those who could care less. A popular Christmas song asks the question, "DO YOU HEAR WHAT I HEAR?" I believe this is a relevant question for you and me today. We are engulfed by media, sound, voices, ideas and even silent messages entering through the eye gate that speak to us. During the Christmas Season, we will hear pleasant songs, words of affirmation, reminders of the real meaning of Christmas but likely our ears will also take in honking horns, disgruntled shoppers and even the obnoxiously loud relative that has had a little too much of the spiked eggnog. Do you hear what I hear?

While contemplating the disciplines that help us have healthy homes, it seems to me that the cultivation of a listening heart is significant. I would like to challenge all of us to consider the value of hearing from God in our hearts. I don't know just how to explain the means by which this "hearing" takes place. I do know that the possibilities of hearing from Him this Christmas will be increased if I will take some time to listen. Psalms 46:10 says, "Be still and know that I am God." It implies my ability to "know" is connected to the decision to be "still." We pride ourselves in our busy schedules, always on the go!

"Things to do, places to go, people to see!" In this phrase is captured the idea that I am using the time God has given me to its fullest. Are we really? "God with us" is an invitation to a divine relationship. May I suggest that in the midst of family gatherings and holiday activities, we all take time to be with Him. Our desire to follow Him and do what honors Him can be better fulfilled as we take time to hear His voice in our hearts daily. As each individual in any home is hearing from and growing closer to Jesus, our homes will surely become more healthy.

God bless you and may you have a very merry Christmas.

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