Wednesday, February 25, 2009

"There comes a point in your life when you realize who matters,
who never did, who won't anymore, and who always will &
in the end you learn who is fake,
who is true and who would risk it all for you.

I read this today somewhere and it really hit a nerve. I think as we get older, we can differentiate between false friends and true friends better. But it does seem harder to make new friends. We tend to walk in the same circle and not move out of bounds, and by doing so, limit ourselves to only what we know - no new experiences or outsiders to let in. We need to stretch those boundaries and find out what's out there. What people and/or experiences are yet to be found, discovered and enjoyed.

Old friends that return to our lives are very important too. Those people who made that big impression, how did they slip away. Those who were so dear to us, we couldn't breathe without did we breathe without them? The days that pass, then the years that pass....without did that happen?

I can only be grateful for those that I have in my life now and be hopeful for those that are yet to return to further enrich my life. Those that can make me smile by the simplest of comments. Those that recover that memory that was once forgotten. Those that warm your heart and free your soul....those friends are good friends to share our lives with again. Don't screw up and lose them again.

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