...you can start today, right now, and create a new ending. I just love this quote. It got me thinking about the past, and how we can let wounds, mistakes, and regrets keep us stuck or immobilized in fear in our present. Many of those wounds from the past are often times the root of why we self sabotage, give up or over indulge in things like food, shopping, sex, alcohol, and drugs.
Those pains from the past are very real, and they can live a lifetime, and you can feel like you'll never be the same again or that you're damaged beyond repair. And you have every right to feel those things. We all have the right to be angry, mourn, and be sad or depressed about injustices that happened to us. We should give ourselves time to grieve and heal.
But then at some time, it's time to let go and move forward. There is no perfect time, and it doesn't have to be graceful, smooth, or well planned out. We just need to move, take a baby step foward. We need to pull our ship out of the harbor and head toward our destination. We can always course correct later. The point is, we're in the sea moving in our journey. At some point, we have to face why we continue to feed our pain and fears because really it only serves to keep us from the life we really want.
I like to believe that the universe has a much bigger plan that I cannot see...yet. And perhaps those things that happened to me were just possibly the catalyst for me to become more evolved, more loving, and more forgiving.
I find comfort in the story of the caterpillar who at one point has to die, live in a cocoon, and then re-emerge into the world as a butterfly. The caterpillar had to experience great pain and suffering and loss, was kept hidden from the world for awhile, but now can fly high and beautiful. I like to believe that one day I'll have my butterfly moment.
We can't ever go back and start again, but we have today. It won't be easy. It won't be a cake walk, but it's a new possibility. It's something to believe in and never give up hope on. We can decide right now and take steps at this very moment even tiny ones to create our new ending, the ending where our dreams and goals are waiting for us:)
So, what are you waiting for?