He alone can see what’s in your heart.
He knows the depth of your emotions.
He doesn’t look at the outward.
He looks deeper.
He looks at... you!
Your inmost being. Your heart. Who you really are on the inside.
Earlier I was talking about a transformation in your heart, your soul, your spirit. This excerpt aptly describes this process just a little bit better then I ever could...
Slowly, after this divine transplant, healing begins and, as promised, your new heart becomes capable of perfect love. Your self-centeredness is now Christ-centeredness. There is healing to replace the hatred; there is a balm for the bitterness. You can face the world with a freedom and a future you have never known before.
"Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me" (Psalms 51:10). Once you have a changed heart, you have a changed life. You can love the unlovable, be kind to the unkind, and forgive the unforgivable. All this because you have a new heart--you have God's heart!
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